Kidney in the normal position in the first and second lumbar vertebrae of the spine on both sides, if the location of the kidney down, called the renal ptosis.
Nephroptosis generally occurs in thin figure tall people, more common in women than in men. Nephroptosis seem no much impact on health, does not know that sagging can cause serious kidney ureter distortions induced hydronephrosis, renal function and then . So, how can find their kidneys had been hanging out?
1, frequent urination urgency
When renal ptosis, the kidney ureter below will be distorted, blocked urine excluded, it is likely to cause urinary tract infections, there frequency, urgency and other symptoms.
2, lumbar pain
Renal ptosis, the drooping on one side of the waist are often inexplicable pain, and tired, walking, long station increase. Ease or disappear when supine.
3, hematuria
Because renal ptosis, activity rate increased, when patients walk, the kidney and down motion, the kidney blood vessels can be pulled, even twist, causing kidney blood stasis, induced hematuria. Mild renal ptosis after numerous tests in urine can be found.
4, gastrointestinal symptoms
Drooping of the kidneys caused by the stretch and stimulate the surrounding nerves, so that by stimulating the nerve reflex disorder, caused by digestive disorders, resulting in indigestion, epigastric fullness, nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea.
The "red light" Once flashed, due approaching hospital to receive timely treatment. Mild renal ptosis or canvas wrap available kidney care in the supine Trendelenburg tie the belt so that the kidney fixed in a more high position, to reduce the kidney's activities. those with severe renal ptosis, should the situation according to the diagnosis by doctors to consider the possibility of surgical treatment.
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